Greetings peeps. What a lovely, slow evening I'm having. My duty with keeping my 11 year old ggchild is finally over. I love her, she is great, she does nothing wrong, I am ecstatic that it's over. I'm too old for kids! Their endless "why's" make me crazy. Their messiness leaves me depressed, their constant hunger makes me stressed, their waking me up (twice!) in the middle of the night with a crazy question makes me confused. But she is a darling and I love her bunches. I'm just glad I don't have to do that too often. And at least she went to school. It was only the evenings that got me stressed. But all's good now.
I'm enjoying watching Only Murders in the Building. Have you seen it? It's really clever and funny in a sophisticated way, not roll on the floor funny, but quite a few chuckles. The three main actors (Steve Martin, Martin Short and Selena Gomez) have great chemistry. I'm watching the 3rd season. See if you can find seasons 1 and 2 if possible. Then watch 3. You'll be glad you did!