Thursday, March 20, 2025


 Happy Spring! It's finally actually here. No more saying, "Spring-like"! We've been in the high 70's lately, but today we reached our high of 60 early this morning. Now the temperature is dropping into the 50's. No big deal, but kind of funny - the first day of spring we have the coolest temperatures in a few weeks! 

I love daffodils. I don't have that many planted, but I hope to change that this fall. They are one of the first signs of spring around here. As I drive around town I see them still blooming and am slightly disappointed I don't have some still blooming.

This picture is too bright. I was taking it during the sunniest part of the day. I'll be planting these in the yard soon. I hope they do well and bloom next spring.

We're still waiting on the insurance company to come assess the damage to the house. We still have the tree leaning on it. We'll have to hire someone to come take care of it. I hope it doesn't cost too much.

I hope you're having a lovely week. Thanks for dropping by.

Sunday, March 16, 2025


 How did everyone fair Saturday night with the storms? It wasn't the storms that got us, it was the wind. It blew a tree down onto our house. Not a giant tree, but big enough to cause damage. It didn't come through the ceiling, thank goodness.  The actual storm hadn't even arrived yet. As you can see, we still have our Christmas lights up! May have to get them down for repairs to be done. 

Spring has definitely sprung around here. Bradford Pear trees are leafing out, their pretty white blooms being crowded out. The trees have a nice green haze around them as their leaves start to emerge. We've had a busy week and I'm looking forward to a week with nothing to do. I hope your upcoming week will be a great one. Thanks for stopping by.

Sunday, March 9, 2025


 This is a post about reversing some things I've I like rain. Oh sure, I like rain just fine unless I'm walking through the parking lot at church without an umbrella and as far away from the building as you can get. It was a cold rain, too. Reversal number 2...the daffodils around here are in full bloom, not through as I reported last post. Apparently, it's only mine that are done. I guess picking your daffodils makes them die faster and I picked all of mine. This fall I am going to plant a lot more so I'll have plenty to pick and plenty still blooming in the yard. 

The best thing about the rain today is a rainbow was created. They are always so exciting to see. This is actually an older picture because the one I took today didn't turn out, the rainbow was just to light.

I think the rain will be done soon and the rest of the week will be lovely.  I hope you have a great day. Thanks for dropping by.

Thursday, March 6, 2025


 Big storms were predicted night before last, and some people did get them. Luckily, we just had some rain. But yesterday, after the rain had left, there were huge winds. We've lost our Spring-like temperatures, so with the blustery wind and colder temps, it felt brutal to me. I can handle the cold, but not with the wind. 

Even though the rain had moved out, storm clouds remained. I love storm clouds. They are so much more interesting than blue sky to me. We tend to get a lot of storm clouds, but no rain. That's always a disappointment.

A  little bit of blue sky peeking through. There was a good bit of blue sky, but then it all turned back to dark clouds. 

I was so worried about the storms and high winds that I moved a lot of my plants into a protective area. I was afraid the high winds would break the tulips. All's back to good though. My daffodils are all done blooming. That's always sad.

I hope you're having a wonderful week. Looking forward to the weekend. I'll be doing childcare at church. I still haven't made it to the Home Depot nursery. Maybe I can do that tomorrow.

Sunday, March 2, 2025


 Not much happening this weekend. We drove to Home Depot, but realized it was Saturday afternoon and decided it was going to be too crowded, so we turned around and headed back home. We'll go Monday instead.  I really don't like crowds. Don grilled us some salmon for dinner and it was delish. He is the grill master, but he's passing the torch to our son, who loves cooking. What a lucky mother I am. 

This is our dog Arie. She is laying on her favorite piece of furniture, but she's too big for it so she lays with her head hanging off. If I laid like that my eyeballs would be popping out, but apparently her big ol head can take all that extra blood. 

Our temperatures have cooled off. This morning the low is in the 30's. Our high is expected to be in the 50's. A far cry from our highs in the 70's. Still, I kind of like this on again/off again weather. I think we might get some rain late in the week. That always makes me happy!

This little setting is on my dear mother's singer sewing machine base. I gave it to her for one of her birthdays - found it at an antique flea market. It has a nice slab of marble on top. 

I'll be heading out to church soon. I teach a 1st grade class then go to hear the message. I love my church and find the messages interesting, but I have the hardest time sitting for an hour and ten minutes. It's pure torture for me to be still that long. What's a girl to do? 

I hope you have a great week. Thanks for stopping by

Saturday, March 1, 2025


Hello March! I know you're going to have cold days and blustery days, and rainy days, but I am so glad to see you. This winter was fabulous, it still has about 3 weeks to go, but I know there are going to be many Spring-like days with nice temperatures. Maybe we'll squeeze in a fire or two, enjoying the last of the winter-time cold days. I promise I won't be upset, I'll roll with it. 

Nothing much happening for me this weekend. Last Saturday was my child care day at church, so this Saturday I can play. I see a trip to the Home Depot nursery in my future! I'm looking for purple violas and pansies.

I thank you for dropping by my blog. Comments are appreciated. I love to see who has visited. Have a lovely day.

Friday, February 28, 2025


 I pulled into the church parking lot and saw this beautiful sunrise. I was so glad I remembered my phone so I could capture it. I often forget to carry my phone, I find them a real nuisance, and yet I can't do without it. How pitiful am I? I guess they certainly have their place in our lives.

Are you seeing hints of Spring yet? Our weather has just been fantastic. Today's high is 77*F, a little overcast. I spent some time sitting on my deck just enjoying the light breeze and the birds chirping

I hope you are having a lovely day. Thanks for dropping by.

I am participating in Skywatch Friday.

Thursday, February 27, 2025


Yesterday hubby and I spent 2 hours at the clinic - him getting an iron infusion. His activity level had dropped so drastically he had to have another infusion - this makes 4 so far. He is being treated for Aplastic Anemia and is feeling much better today, I'm happy to report. He's even cooking us breakfast. 

Made a trip to Walmart to see what they might have for Spring planting. They didn't have much, but I did buy some potted daffodils, tulips, cyclamen, and hyacinth. I was disappointed they didn't have any pansies or violas. I'll have to try Home Depot.

This little parrot vase belonged to my dear mother. I think it belonged to her mother.


We love sitting on the deck and these flowers make it even more enjoyable. Today my daughter fell through a rotting place in the deck. This is very aggravating because this deck isn't that old and supposedly used pre-treated wood, plus a deck stain, but there are a few places of rot.  I'm just glad daughter only got a scraped leg and didn't break anything or need stitches. We're going to have to figure out how to fix this dangerous situation.

 Spring will be here before you know it, sooner for me it seems. I wouldn't be surprised if we got more cold weather. March is generally cold and blustery. I'm told our last frost date is usually in March. 

I hope you're having a great day. Thanks for stopping by.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

 Oh! Glorious Spring-like temperatures, how I've missed you. Don't get me wrong, winter was fun and cozy. Two (two!) snow events. Warm fires. Warm quilts. Warm soups. Yes, winter was surely enjoyed. But it's time to move aside and welcome Spring. I have a few patches of daffodils in full bloom. They are such a bright spot after the gray days of winter. I made this little bouquet and put them in this little Dutch girl vase. I just love it, I think it's so cute. 

I have more daffodils this year than in years past. I know it's because of the cold winter we've had. I have one patch that used to bloom but now doesn't. Not sure why. They send up nice green leaves but no flowers. Maybe I'll dig them up and replant.

I love the little parrot vase. I'll pick more daffodils later today for it. 

A nice, pretty little bouquet. 

I hope your day will be a joyful one. Thanks for stopping by. Keep warm and take care!

Tuesday, February 25, 2025


 A fine, spring-like day. Short sleeves and flip flops. We built a little bon fire but had no marshmallows or hot dogs to roast, sigh. It was a lot of fun though. 

On Monday's my ggrandaughter takes the school bus to our house. She had a lot of fun with a nice stick and the fire. So easy to entertain when there is a bon fire! My son is a fire building extraordinaire. It was really nice to spend some time outdoors, listening to the birds and watching the squirrel antics. My daffodils and hyacinths are in bloom. They are so pretty, I need to make a bouquet. Perhaps for tomorrow's post.

I hope you have a lovely week, thanks for dropping by.  

Friday, February 21, 2025


It turned my stomach when I saw Elon Musk gleefully handle a chain saw while gloating over who was going to get fired next. To have so little regard for your fellow human is repulsive. How you can fire 100's of people and not care at all about their lives, their families, their whole existence being turned upside down. There is no excuse for this kind of behavior. I understand that our government may need to be made smaller but, please, have a care about the people you are affecting.


 Happy Spring! It's finally actually here. No more saying, "Spring-like"! We've been in the high 70's lately, but toda...