Not much happening this weekend. We drove to Home Depot, but realized it was Saturday afternoon and decided it was going to be too crowded, so we turned around and headed back home. We'll go Monday instead. I really don't like crowds. Don grilled us some salmon for dinner and it was delish. He is the grill master, but he's passing the torch to our son, who loves cooking. What a lucky mother I am.
This is our dog Arie. She is laying on her favorite piece of furniture, but she's too big for it so she lays with her head hanging off. If I laid like that my eyeballs would be popping out, but apparently her big ol head can take all that extra blood.

Our temperatures have cooled off. This morning the low is in the 30's. Our high is expected to be in the 50's. A far cry from our highs in the 70's. Still, I kind of like this on again/off again weather. I think we might get some rain late in the week. That always makes me happy!
This little setting is on my dear mother's singer sewing machine base. I gave it to her for one of her birthdays - found it at an antique flea market. It has a nice slab of marble on top.
I'll be heading out to church soon. I teach a 1st grade class then go to hear the message. I love my church and find the messages interesting, but I have the hardest time sitting for an hour and ten minutes. It's pure torture for me to be still that long. What's a girl to do?
I hope you have a great week. Thanks for stopping by