Thursday, March 6, 2025

 Big storms were predicted night before last, and some people did get them. Luckily, we just had some rain. But yesterday, after the rain had left, there were huge winds. We've lost our Spring-like temperatures, so with the blustery wind and colder temps, it felt brutal to me. I can handle the cold, but not with the wind. 

Even though the rain had moved out, storm clouds remained. I love storm clouds. They are so much more interesting than blue sky to me. We tend to get a lot of storm clouds, but no rain. That's always a disappointment.

A  little bit of blue sky peeking through. There was a good bit of blue sky, but then it all turned back to dark clouds. 

I was so worried about the storms and high winds that I moved a lot of my plants into a protective area. I was afraid the high winds would break the tulips. All's back to good though. My daffodils are all done blooming. That's always sad.

I hope you're having a wonderful week. Looking forward to the weekend. I'll be doing childcare at church. I still haven't made it to the Home Depot nursery. Maybe I can do that tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Daffs finished! Oh my no, lol. We have 50 MPH wind here since late last night and it went from 50 and partly sunny yesterday, to snow over night. Got in a much wanted and needed walk early yesterday. Should be able to again by Friday. I love the blue sky all the time except in the drought season. But puffy clouds with blue filler are beautiful to see. Great photos you have and glad your pots were safe.


 Big storms were predicted night before last, and some people did get them. Luckily, we just had some rain. But yesterday, after the rain ha...