Sunday, November 25, 2018

Fall Arrived


Autumn!  How I love Autumn. Cool, misty mornings. Leaves that glow when the light is just right. Gusty winds that bring down a flurry of leaves. The  garden going to sleep, looking perfect in it's leaf-strewn blanket. It took it a while to feel like fall, but now it's wonderful in every way.

I'm out for Thanksgiving break. I plan our Thanksgiving dinner down to the minute. I draw pictures of my stove and record what goes where and when. Time lists and food lists and temperature lists. Diagrams and a slew of stained and tattered recipe cards and recordings of previous years notes. And yet, the final moments are spastic and frantic and midway through the meal it is always, "Good grief, I forgot_____"... Always. This year it was gravy! Thankfully, our smoked turkey and ham were so moist and tender that the forgotten gravy wasn't missed too much. I made a devils food cake, which was always my request to mom on my birthday. My husband and children had never had one (which I didn't realize). I cheated and used canned icing. They fell in love with the cake. Now I wish I had gone to the trouble to make the 7 minute icing. It makes the cake so much better. Looks like there will be another one in the near future.

Have you seen or read the book Mouse Mansion? It's a children's book. That last picture is of a few of  the mansion rooms. It's incredible. There's a cute little story about two of the mouse children.  I'm now planning my own mouse mansion, but much smaller. My little one will love it.

The Mouse Mansion by [Schaapman, Karina]


 Happy Spring! It's finally actually here. No more saying, "Spring-like"! We've been in the high 70's lately, but toda...