Thursday, June 19, 2014

Making the Most of Summer Days

Finally! Out for Summer Break, and I am trying to make the most of my time. Previous summers have been pretty much spent sitting in a chair looking at what everyone else is doing (fb, blogs, tv). This summer I am determined to have a productive summer. "Productive" meaning out of the chair. Another difference this summer is that we joined the local gym. I've enjoyed swimming and exercising on the machines, and playing tennis on the many tennis courts. The heat of summer has arrived, making an early start necessary for the tennis. The unhurried days allow leisurely breakfasts, especially with all the beautiful berries available now. Goodness! Already a week down! Only 4 more to go. It's amazing how fast the time will fly!

I'm also in a sewing mood. I started the Farmer Wife Quilt for my daughter and it is quite the project - a little more involved than I like, so I'm not sure if I'll do all of the blocks. I may just choose the easiest ones and do them several times. I need 50, I think, (they are 6 inch blocks). I've got about 10 made, so still a ways to go. I would like to complete the blocks by the time I have to return to school in late July, and have the quilt completed by the first cool fall day. That doesn't allow much sittin' time!

I hope you're having a great Thursday, thanks so much for stopping by!

Friday, June 6, 2014


 Nature shelf

Long days here. Once school dismisses, we start working 10 hour 4 day weeks. I only have to do it for one more week, thank goodness. Work is slow, trying to stretch the load for 3 weeks is tiring;  but it's great to work uninterrupted in the quiet.

The garden is starting to bloom again. The daylilies aren't far off and I think the white coneflower will be in bloom tomorrow! Can't wait for that. Trying to keep the gravel clean and weed free is a learning process. I will probably have to accept the fact that it needs to be blown every day. We had a big storm last night, which makes it even more necessary. But, oh! the happiness of thunder and lightening! The lightening was unbelievable, and I know this is going to sound crazy, but I was asleep and woke to the lightening and a current running through my body! I thought I must have dreamed that and lay there listening when it happened again! Just a small current, nothing painful.  Really odd, though. Never had something like that happen before. There also was a strange and beautiful sky over Atlanta and surrounding area (where I live). I didn't get to see it, unfortunately, but there were pictures all over facebook and even the local news spoke about it. It was almost dark and there was a double rainbow and deep pink sky. Below is a picture my friend took.  All in all, it was a strange night!

I hope you're having a great Friday, thanks so much for stopping by!


 Happy Spring! It's finally actually here. No more saying, "Spring-like"! We've been in the high 70's lately, but toda...