Saturday, May 10, 2014

Hello Saturday, Oh How I Needed Ya!

Never a weekend was more welcome! As school winds down, activity increases. Two weeks left (with children, I still work another 3 weeks after their last day). Field day was Friday, what a long and tiring day...and I only work in the office! Some of the aides had to be outside the whole day. I think I would have cried!

This weekend I have begun to move into my new sewing room. I am very excited, feeling like I have a clean slate to work with!  I really don't have much to put in there right now. I'll have to go to some yard sales in hopes of finding a nice size table to use for cutting. I have a smaller table to use for my sewing machine. I've been collecting inspiration from Pinterest (you can see what's caught my eye here).

I'm slowly working on The Farmer's Wife Quilt. I'm using the paper piecing method and loving it. All the points come out perfect! It does seem to waste a lot of fabric, but I think it's a fair trade-off. I'm struggling with the way the blocks are looking next to each other. I think I have some fabrics that are so rich in color that they make the other blocks look cheap and uninspired. I've just ordered a jelly roll in fall colors. I'm hoping to get it this week. Maybe it's fabrics will work better with the rich in color that I have.

We've had a bit of rain today, but looks like it will be clearing out for Mother's Day. I hope you all have a lovely day with family. Thanks so much for visiting.

Saturday, May 3, 2014


Thank you Cold Winter!!! I love you so much!  

When we have a cold winter, my garden is always so pretty. This past winter we were blessed with cold, snow, and more cold. February had very few of the warmer days that we usually have. By March everyone was complaining of the cold, but I knew what it meant for my garden and was secretly saying RAH!  The pea gravel we put down is still fabulous, though we had a huge wind storm this past week, and I've yet to collect all the debris that is completely covering it. I also need to take care of the weeds starting to come up through the gravel. This will be a busy weekend!

The Columbine blooms are in decline now and the Iris are almost done, too. The Salvia, May Night has been gorgeous and is always being visited by a cute little bumble bee. The large Viburnum dropped many petals in the big winds, and now the remaining ones are starting to decline. I love the look of the petals on the ground and floating in the little water feature. 

The garden is getting a little quiet right now, before the move into the next phase of blooms. Can't wait to see how the rest of the year goes.  

I hope your having a great Saturday, thanks so much for stopping by!


 Happy Spring! It's finally actually here. No more saying, "Spring-like"! We've been in the high 70's lately, but toda...