Saturday, May 25, 2013

Lillies and Such

Finally! The last day of school has come and I am looking forward to working 2 weeks with no phones, visitors, children, etc.  I have nothing against the children, it's just nice to work a while without being interrupted.  The last days of a school are so stressful, the calm is almost surreal!  

The garden is just so-so this year.  Everything is different.  Each plant is pretty, but I swear I can never get everything to be where they will be their best.  I am going to concentrate this year on getting all the holes filled.  That might take more than a year, but I can give it a good start.  The lilies do very well in my shady garden, so I need lots of them.  Plus, this time of year they're one of the few things I have blooming.  I had a beautiful purple Clematis that bloomed so heavily, but the last few years it hasn't bloomed at all.  It bloomed well when I had it on a tall trellis. I just realized that I replaced that trellis with a very short one and am thinking I need to get it up high again, as the light is much better. 

I am making wonderful progress on the Christmas at Hawk Run Hollow project.  The stitching is relaxing and each square is so fun. June's square is pretty heavily stitched, so I was glad that May's was finished early allowing me to get a good head start on June.

I hope you're having success with your Spring plans! Thanks so much for stopping by!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


I have a feeling we are going to go straight from winter to summer around here.  We have been so unusually  cold lately, and goodness, the wind has been creating all kinds of extra work ! We have a huge limb in the yard that we just haven't had the energy to deal with yet.  Thank goodness it didn't land on the house! Then there are the lesser limbs and sticks and leaves and squishy-squashy ground. But today the sky is a beautiful blue - the prettiest blue ever. No clouds. None. And the temperatures are more seasonable.  Yes, it was a lovely day. 

The school year is winding down and I am starting to get excited about my time off.  I'm thinking about what fun things I want to do while I have 5 weeks off.  I would love to make a small quilt, just a little throw. I've been looking for a pattern and haven't decided anything yet, though I do know I want to do it in autumn browns and golds.  It's an awful lot of fun to go Pinteresting looking for ideas:)  I am also going to continue working on my Christmas at Hawk Run Hollow cross stitch project.  I hope to do an update soon, I am finishing up May's block.  Can't wait to show you. 

I am so glad you stopped by (leave a comment, okay?).  I hope you're having a great Wednesday. I'm joining Outdoor Wednesday at A Southern Daydreamer.


 Happy Spring! It's finally actually here. No more saying, "Spring-like"! We've been in the high 70's lately, but toda...