Wednesday, July 6, 2011


 Outdoor Wednesday logo

But the Stargazer Lilies are looking fabulous!

It's  humid too! 
My garden has kind of been like an on again, off again romance.  Some years I love it, some years it suffers from my inattention.
This would be an "inattentive" year. 
I hurt my knee and have been unable to do much in the garden this year. DH had knee replacement surgery in May and hasn't been able to work on our slowly departing grass :(.  Here are some pictures of better days - something to inspire me to not give up.

The urn in the above picture is the only thing that looks good this year. The grass hasn't grown to it's 3 foot height, but it's still a nice combination of plants: 

The deer have feasted several times, eating the tops of the impatience and one whole grouping of lilies.  The impatience will come back, so that's something to look forward to.  I had a strong beginning, so this is a big disappointment.  A few years ago the deer stayed away due to land clearing behind my property.  The plants were fabulous:
I take comfort in knowing there is always next year, the mantra of every gardener!
I am participating in Outdoor Wednesday at A Southern Dreamer.  

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Tripping on Tuesday

Actually, it was Tripping on Monday.  There was a new state park that opened this weekend, we visited it yesterday. Lots of trails and a lovely "River Walk".

Even tho we both have knee troubles right now (he a knee replacement, me...old age I guess:), we walked a bit on the River Walk.  There are many, many more miles to be added to the walk, only about a mile was done.  We only made it about 1/4 of a mile.

The woods were beautiful and cool.  The river was slow moving. 

Lets canoe down the river, and take a picnic lunch with us!

It's nice to have a special someone to share a walk through the woods with.

There were nice camping spots and picnic areas and it's only about 30 minutes from our home!   What a great addition to our County!

Monday, July 4, 2011

On the Menu Monday


Don's Famous Hamburgers on the grill
Mom's Baked Beans
Potato Salad
Fabulous Lemon Cream Cheese Pie
  We're going to check out a new State Park here in Coweta County.   When we return we will be grilling out and enjoying some family time.  
The Cream Cheese Lemon Pie is a favorite around here.  It's so refreshing and super easy!
Fabulous Cream Cheese Lemon Pie

Graham Cracker Pie Shell
8 ounce Cream Cheese  - chill removed
1 Can of Sweetened Condensed Milk
1tsp Vanilla
 1/3 Cup freshly squeezed Lemon  Juice

In a bowl whip cream cheese until fluffy.  Add can of sweetened condensed milk.  Mix until creamy and lump free.  Add Vanilla and Lemon Juice.  

Spread in pie shell.  Cool in refrigerator for a few hours to set.

Grilled Lemon Pepper Chicken Breasts
Mashed Potatoes
Homemade Biscuits
Tossed Salad

 Pork Chops and Gravy
Buttery New Potatoes
Tossed Salad
To Dad's

Out to Dinner

Hot Dogs on the grill
Baked Beans

Garlic Buttered French Bread
Tossed Salad

I am participating in On The Menu Monday at Stonegable.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

   "Stop and consider God’s wonders."  Job 37:14                                               
                                  Photo courtesy of National Geographic

Happy Sunday!  I hope you are enjoying your day.

I teach a group of 4th grade girls at church.  They are a lovely bunch of young ladies and I noticed they seem  to enjoy looking verses up in the Bible; however,  their Bible skills are not very good. I'm going to try to begin a 20 minute Bible Skill time each Sunday. 
 I'm creating what I hope will be fun documents for them to complete during part of our time together.  They can work together in pairs or by themself.  What ever works for them!  If you have children that you would like to work on Bible skills, you are welcome to print these worksheets.  I'm doing one a week (hopefully)!

Happy Fourth to you!


 Happy Spring! It's finally actually here. No more saying, "Spring-like"! We've been in the high 70's lately, but toda...