The lavender haze in the back is Money Penny. It's a great plant that grows easily from seed . I sprinkle it around every year. It's a biennial, but once you get it started you'll always have some. The large shrub with the big white blooms is a Viburnum. I love it, love it, love it! Now a bit later in April:

I love the look of this little path, but I really need to do some serious planning ehre. The little garden on the right is being reworked this year, and the little water feature on the left also needs to be reworked. As you can see, much to do!!
Iris are in bloom the later part of April. This pink one has been gorgeous. It is Beverly Sills and this is the first year it has bloomed like this. Usually it has just had one or two blooms.
Below is the new pot I bought with my DS Christmas gift certificate to Home Depot. I have it planted with Asparagus Fern; Euphorbia, Diamond Frost; white impatience and a tall fern from my little shade garden, but I don't know the name. This is the garden I am currently working on. I need to get some height added, or maybe some wall decoration. I'm thinking of a mirror. I have an old mirror that I could paint white and crackle it - try to age it some.
I have three weeks left of school, and then I can get some serious work done! So much to do, but I've recruited some of my kids friends, who have all said they would help. How lucky am I?! Next post will be for May. I'm waiting on the astilbe to bloom. Hopefully it will be very pretty. Until then, happy gardening!