Tuesday, October 9, 2007


And I couldn't be happier with the way things have grown this year! Here is how the garden looked in August:

Because the garden doesn't get a lot of direct sun, I have to find plants that do well in shade. I decided to try and use annuals in the front of the garden for season-long color. I was so happy with how it turned out. Along the front of the border I have several impatience. They did okay until about half way through August. It got so hot (ten days in a row of over 100 degrees) that they had a hard time recupperating in the evening. I eventually cut them way back, but they never really bounced back.

In the picture below you can see the urn. It's planted with Purple Fountain Grass, pink impatience and a varigated sweet potatoe plant. In the rear it has coleus. I love the grass with it's pink plumes. One thing I need to learn is how to pinch plants better. The impatience in the urn got very leggy. It's easy to pinch foliage plants, but I just don't quite get plants with blooms on them. I can't figure out if you're supposed to pinch the bloom off along with the leaves. Any advice???? Notice the pretty pink plant in the middle of the border - it's a pink caldium and it has been a powerhouse all summer. It never skipped a beat, even during the hot weather. I am going to try to save the tubers for next year. I want to have it in several places in the border. It looked so pretty with the yellow coreopsis that was blooming next to it.

Here's a closeup of it. See how pretty it looks with the coreopsis. I like the balloon flower, too.

Next up will be plans for next year. I've got a little shade garden that needs some cleanup!

Thursday, August 2, 2007


Testing again. June Pictures

This year I planted annuals along the front, and I am so very pleased with them. They have brought some much needed color. Next I'll show you my urn.

Beginning Anew

Welcome to my garden journal. Just testing for now. Hope you enjoy the photos.

Early Spring. Money Penny in full bloom with the dogwoods. Shame on me for not having my urn planted!

I love the deep, dark woods, they add such mystery to my garden.

The money penny came from seed from my mom. I've been growing them for about 20 years. I think it is such a beautiful color with the spring greens. Tulips are usually in bloom during this time, but for some reason, mine didn't have a good showing this year. I spent a fortune on them too. I guess the weird weather got to them this year. you can just see the black tulips on the left there.

Next up are the bearded iris. I don't get much direct sunlight - about 2 hours a day. Still, I get a
decent bloom on the iris. Nothing like it would be if there was full sun.

I used to have some Thrift (phlox) and it looked really pretty with the iris. I need to think about buying more. It looks pretty haning over the rocks.

Next I'll post pictures of June and July. They were beautiful months.


 Happy Spring! It's finally actually here. No more saying, "Spring-like"! We've been in the high 70's lately, but toda...