Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Looking Backwards

 I love this outdoor kitchen area we made for our great granddaughter, she loves it too!

Ahhh, the joy of childhood!

 I've been retired for a year now, and it's taken me this long to figure it out...sort of. I miss work and have been volunteering two days a week at my school, but it doesn't take the place of a job I loved. I think I'm beginning to feel like I'm coming out of the fog I've been in. In 2019 we visited the Christmas Inn in Pigeon Forge, NC and have all agreed it's one of our favorite places. My daughter and I have reservations in February for another visit. Can't wait! We got a new dog in 2019 and she has been quite a trial. She's much bigger than we were expecting and so full of "puppyness" that our days generally consist of us running around trying to stop her from destroying things and making a mess. We also became the owner or a beautiful Maine Coon cat. I love our animals, but gosh, I sure hope there are no more in my future!!! Here's to a great 2020!


  1. This is a lovely look back, Leslie. I was glad to see your comment this morning and came right over here! The outdoor kitchen is something my grands would enjoy, and I'm going to tuck this idea away for a few months. I have one more year until I retire - January 2021. It's going to feel different, I know, and there will be an adjustment. I will likely teach on call for awhile and there's plenty of that available.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Hi Lorrie! The outdoor kitchen has been a big hit. Since I retired I've been going in twice a week to help our EIP teacher and it has been very rewarding. She teaches reading to all grades. It's fun to be around the different age groups in a day. It was good to hear from you!

  2. Hi Leslie,

    I’m not sure if I knew you back when, but I am pleased to meet you now. Thank you for stopping by my place and leaving a comment so I could follow you home.

    I was charmed by the imaginative play with the created homes. Just darling and clever.

    Hope that you enjoy your pets as they calm down over time. ☺️ The Maine coon cat is so pretty...nice big paws!

    1. Hello Vee, nice to meet you! The gg's loved the shoebox house and have played many hours moving furniture around - it's so fun to watch! Thanks for visiting.

  3. Hello Leslie ! Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving such lovely comments : )
    Congratulations on retiring ! ..
    You are so busy with new pets (they are gorgeous critters !) Maincoons are close to my heart.
    Love seeing all the wonderful pictures through out the year .. your granddaughter is a cutie
    You have such beautiful woods by your house .. it would be a stunning foundation for woodland gardens .. so much you can work with there .. I am a bit jealous, LOL
    What ever you decide to do with your time .. I know you will make excellent use of it but always remember to enjoy it as well ! Good luck !

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