Big, bold leaves of Money Penny
Sedum; bold, thick, bluish
Columbine; light and airy
Blue juniper ; spiky, blue, tiny needles
I can't remember what this is, but I love the texture and the yellow tips in Spring
Yellow Coleus; lobed and veined leaves
Heuchra; Deeply lobed, pretty yellow and pink leaves
Silvery leaves of Rose Campion
Foxglove, crinkly and pointy
Lace Cap Hydrangea; bicolor, rounded leaves
Arborvitae, frilly, tipped with yellow in Spring
Bugleweed; deeply veined and tricolor
A handsome pairing of Japanese Painted Fern and white edged Hosta
It's a never ending process in the garden, and although I've been at it for 20+ years, I still have a lot to learn. Mostly I use the trial and error approach. Seems like what works one year may not the next! Crazy. Which is another reason why texture and foliage is so important. If something doesn't bloom like you hoped, you can still have an area that you love if your have the right contasts.
I'm joining Mosaic Monday and Outdoor Wednesday this week.